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Visual Basic Form  |  1991-08-08  |  4KB  |  198 lines

  1. Browse
  2. Browse Database
  3. Form1,
  4. RecordData
  5. Text1
  6. Courier
  7. ^    RecordBar    
  8. Text1
  9. Label1
  10. This record:
  11. RecordNo
  12. Label2
  13. Record status:
  14. RecordStat
  15. Label3
  16. Time to get record:
  17. TimeDisp
  18. Command3
  19. &Quit
  20. HScroll1_Change
  21. Command1_Click
  22. SelectRecordY
  23. Form_Click
  24. RecNum_Change
  25. Record
  26. Record_Change}
  27. RecNum
  28. Value
  29. Option2_ClickY
  30. Command2_Click
  31. CurrentRecord
  32. RecNum_KeyDown
  33. KeyCoder
  34. Shift
  35. RecNum_KeyPress
  36. KeyAscii
  37. GetREC
  38.     DBFHadnle
  39. RecData
  40. Status
  41.     DBFHandle
  42. MainMenu
  43. FontName
  44. Option3_Click
  45. ViewMode
  46. Option1_Click
  47. Form_KeyDown
  48. Form_KeyPress
  49. Deleted
  50. Display_Rec_Fld
  51. MaxError
  52. ErrNo
  53. status_Change
  54. Display_Rec_Fld_Change
  55.     FirstTime(
  56. First
  57. FieldBarc
  58. Decimalm
  59. Field_Bar_Changea
  60.     Field_Bar~
  61. FName
  62. FLen+
  63. Label3_ClickE
  64. Form_LinkClose
  65. Form_LinkError
  66. LinkErr?
  67. Form_LinkExecute
  68. CmdStr
  69. Cancel#
  70. Form_LinkOpen~
  71. @    Form_Load
  72. Label4_Click
  73. Label2_Click6
  74. Label1_Click
  75. Frame3_DragDrop
  76. Source
  77. Frame2_DragDrop
  78. Frame1_DragDrop5
  79. Form_KeyUp
  80. Form_LostFocus
  81. Form_MouseDownQ
  82. Buttono
  83. Form_MouseMove
  84. Form_MouseUp
  85. Form_Paint
  86. Form_Resize
  87. Form_Unload
  88. Form_GotFocus=
  89. Form_DragOver
  90. StateA
  91. Form_DragDrop
  92. Form_DblClick
  93. DispFrom
  94. HSCroll1
  95. s_Change-    @
  96. DisplayRecord
  97. trimN
  98.     FieldDatae
  99. DBFNameY
  100. OldName<
  101.     ErrAction
  102. LastRec
  103. OldValue
  104.     Direction
  105. Changed
  106. Record_Changed
  107. CHangef
  108. CenterWindow
  109. DispDBInfo
  110. Rec_Clear_Click
  111. Handle2
  112. Fields
  114. DEFREC#
  115.     DEFHANDLEb
  116. SeletRecordt
  117. DEFDBFy    
  118. ErrorStatusP
  119. Rec_del_Click$
  120.     DeleteRec
  121. Rec_Undel_ClickF
  122. UnDeleteRec{
  123.     bye_Click/
  124. OldFieldBarValue
  125. HScroll1_LostFocus
  126. OldRecordValueL
  127. OldThen
  128. Rec_Options_Click
  129. HScrollY
  130. Browse
  131. WinWidth
  132. Screen
  133. Width
  134. AnyForm
  135.     WinHieght
  136. Height
  137. ExitLinkExecute
  138.     GetRecord
  139. CallStatus
  140. byebye_Click
  141. Option1!    
  142.     StatusDBF
  143. DBFType'
  144. DBTPtr
  145. NumRecs.
  146. NumFlds
  147. RecLen
  148. UpDatev
  149. RecordCount
  150. GetNumRecs
  151. DoMAXError
  152. ProcessMsg
  153. PrintMsg
  154. LargeChange
  155. SmallChange
  156. Option2
  157. Option39    
  158. RecSize
  159. dummy
  160. RecStat
  161. MousePointer
  162. Setfocu
  163. Active
  164. Unload
  165. VScroll1_Change
  166. OldRec
  167. ThisRec
  168. Text1_Change
  169. RecordData
  170. RecordNoc    @
  171. Command3_ClickM    
  172.     RecordBar
  173. MinValue
  174. MaxValue
  175. RecordBar_Change
  176. RecordBar_DragOver
  177. RecordBar_DragDrop
  178. RecordBar_GotFocus
  179. RecordBar_KeyDown
  180. DisplayRecordRecord
  181. RecordStat
  182. FileName
  183. Caption
  184. InTime
  185. Outime
  186. TimeDisp
  187. Code for Visual Basic 1.0 and Windows 3.0e
  188. (C)1991 Marquis Computing. All Rights Reserved.
  189. Database file browserr
  190. DisplayRecord
  191. Record browser routine
  192. deleted"
  193. normal
  194. Form_Load
  195. Browsing "
  196. Command3_Click
  197. RecordBar_Change